År: 2015
Kunde: Utzon store
Opgave: Brand identitet
Brand identity
The Utzon store in Aarhus was founded in the 20th century, and today the store sells some of the most elegant and exclusive brands, including their own exclusive fur brand.
I reviewed their marketing material over the past six decades and found a hand-drawn logo typography created by the founder in the early 1990s. I did a brush-up of the original hand-drawn logo typography to emphasize the brand's heritage and its original identity, which has a modern and profound look.
Utzon-butikken i Aarhus blev grundlagt i 1900-tallet, og i dag sælger butikken nogle af de mest elegante og eksklusive mærker, herunder deres eget eksklusive pelsmærke.
Jeg gennemgik deres markedsføringsmateriale gennem de seneste 6 årtier og fandt en håndtegnet logo typografi, lavet af grundlæggeren i begyndelsen af 1990-tallet. Jeg lavede et brush-up af den originale håndtegnede logotypografi for at understrege brandets arv og dets originale identitet, som har et moderne og dybtgående look.
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the — pony ApS
Klostergade 70 B (Backyard)
8000 Aarhus C
the — pony ApS
Klostergade 70 B (Backyard)
8000 Aarhus C
the — pony ApS
Klostergade 70 B (Backyard)
8000 Aarhus C
the — pony ApS
Klostergade 70 B (Backyard)
8000 Aarhus C